Friday, March 27, 2009

Which bricks is it?

Had a call on Thursday from our SS, he told us that our first choice bricks were ready a week early and they were a perfect match to what we had originally picked. I asked how long before our second choice bricks were ready and he said they now wouldn't be ready until the 15th of April, another 3 weeks away.

I thought for sure that we were going with the second choice bricks but yet another delay has helped make the decision for us.

We are going with our original bricks, they have been delivered to the block and they look good. I'm sure the others would have been just as good, but to wait again was just not worth it.

The brickies are starting the week beginning the 30th March, finally we will see some progress!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Still Waiting

Nothing is happening so it's hard to get enthusiastic about adding to the blog.

A letter telling of my frustration and disappointment was sent to PD and a response several days later was received. In short there was an apology, an excuse that the delay was beyond their control and news of more delays.

It turns out that a new batch of both our 1st and 2nd choice bricks will not be ready until the 1st of April. We will be able to choose between the two, but we have hopefully already made our decision.

A trip last weekend to see homes built with the two bricks we're looking at, has helped in deciding which one we'll definitely go with. Just hope the quality is there so it won't muck things up again.

We're hanging out for April, it's been a long wait!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bricks at Last, Or NOT!!!

Finally we've had council approval to change from one brown brick to another and PD have ordered the bricks as of Tuesday 2nd March.

Well so we thought anyway. Instead, we have been told today by the site supervisor that the bricks we had reselected are no longer in stock and a new batch will not be ready until the 24th March. He also added that our first choice bricks would be ready on the 1st of April, so if we wanted we could wait and choose between the two bricks.

I could not believe it!!! How long have we waited already? By the 1st of April it will be more than 2 months. I was not happy and have sent an email to PD telling of my disappointment and frustration.
I will wait for a response next week but know it will not make anything happen any faster. Will update in the coming week.
