Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bricks at Last, Or NOT!!!

Finally we've had council approval to change from one brown brick to another and PD have ordered the bricks as of Tuesday 2nd March.

Well so we thought anyway. Instead, we have been told today by the site supervisor that the bricks we had reselected are no longer in stock and a new batch will not be ready until the 24th March. He also added that our first choice bricks would be ready on the 1st of April, so if we wanted we could wait and choose between the two bricks.

I could not believe it!!! How long have we waited already? By the 1st of April it will be more than 2 months. I was not happy and have sent an email to PD telling of my disappointment and frustration.
I will wait for a response next week but know it will not make anything happen any faster. Will update in the coming week.


  1. Oh Relle, I so feel for you. It's a PITA all this to-ing and fro-ing wiht developer and council approvals. Good luck, I hope some bricks arrive and you can get underway soon.


  2. Thanks J,I'm hoping something happens soon also.
    It's great to see but also difficult to watch other builds progressing when ours has not.


  3. Sorry, only caught up with your progress now. Seems to be happening in part, shame about the bricks saga for you. Hope you end up with something you like. Have you sorted out all the other issues and selections yet. R&C

  4. Hi R&C, you've obviously had enough of you own issues to worry about, rather than be worried by others.
    We have no other issues to sort out and hope that the bricks will be our one and only problem.

    Somehow I don't think that will be the case judging by all the other blogs I'm reading, especially those at fit out stage!
    Hope all your issues are being addressed to your complete satisfaction. Relle

  5. Relle,
    glad you have no issues at this stage, You know, if I could put a point to where the problems come from they seem to eminate not from Porter Davis but from the traddies damaging other traddies work. That being said, that is really a problem eminating from Porter Davis and the fact that their SS's have up to 12 homes to look after at one time. I beleive this is the root cause because how is the SS supposed adequately cover all the houses and problems.

    In esccence, and by default, we become the SS's.

    Hope that all makes sense.


  6. Makes some sense R&C, but to be honest and speaking from my own experience our issue over the bricks is with PD as much as it is with Austral. Yes Austral have run out of stock twice, but I believe PD should not have allowed this to happen. They would argue that they are not at fault.
    Call me cynical as I think they are at fault and have been partly responsible for our delay in construction.
    As for us being SS, we chose to build with a volume builder so we didn't have to deal with the building issues.
    We have built with another volume builder and had no problems. We ended up choosing PD because of their mostly good reputation as well as having the floorplan we liked.
    So much for building with the 'Most Professional Builder'. The more I read/see and the more I experience, the more I hope we haven't made the wrong choice. Relle

