Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Basins and Cabinets

kids bathroom vanity

Powder room


Love the extended bench




En suite vanity/Wrong basins

These basins are not the ones we chose at Hopetoun.
We are still waiting to hear the outcome, how much it will
cost us to replace the basins we didn't choose.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cabinets and a Problem

C [husband] dropped around to the house on Wednesday to see what progress had been made. What he saw through a skinny, dirty en suite window was two basins which looked nothing like we'd chosen at our colour app.
That night we checked the contract and colour selection document to see what was written and found the following description; ' Vanity Basins - White [Chipperfield], Ideal Standard Vessel [Square] Counter Top Basin [Square] White.'
What was in the en suite was, two white square counter top basins, but it was not what we had chosen. We chose a basin that had a lower profile than the one we had been given. We know what we like and what we don't and we were both adamant that we did not like the higher profile square basin.
Before singing the contract including colour selection document, we were sure we had checked it and everything seemed correct.
The description of the basin did sound like the one we'd picked. With no sample or code or photo to check it, what else did we have?
Obviously, this was a big mistake on our behalf because now we have basins that we don't like or want.
If only the description mentioned the profile of the basin!
On the Thursday, I dropped around to the house to see the basins and was able to get in, thanks to Mr Skirting and Architraves. It only confirmed our dilema, they were definately not what we chose! I called our CSC and explained we had a problem. She checked the colour doc and said we can only go by what's written. The problem was, that it's what isn't written ['high profile'] that was the problem.
We had to concede that we obviously didn't check it enough before signing but still feel that the description is not detailed enough. As a result our SS said he would change it if ok but it would be at our expense [of course]. I have since been on the Reece sight and picked a basin we want, our SS will check with the building manager to see if it can be done and SS will raise a variation. He will also let us know of the cost.
We're not happy about it but what can we do? We will have to wait and see what SS comes back with.
Anyway, luckily I took my camera and got some shots. I'm actually going to put them into the next post because I can never do a post where the text comes first.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Bifold door from the inside.
Looking towards kitchen. Spots must be raindrops.

Standard staircase. So much better than that ladder.
What to do with that space?

Looking down from the top.

Internal doors waiting to be hung.

Our new internal garage door.

A "bugger, I'm locked out", photo of the kitchen cabinets.

More dirty glass to take a photo through.
The study door.
Things have continued to move along, the stairs are in, cornice is done, internal doors have been hung and the cabinets have begun to be fitted. Only problem for us is that we are locked out and cannot get a good look at everything. Hopefully, someone will forget to lock a door and we can again sneak a peak.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bifold, Cornice and the camera battery ran out.

Render to portico and side - finished colour will be colourbond 'Dune'
Another render shot.
Sorry for the very dark view of the bifold door.
Upstairs bedroom 2 - door goes out to small front balcony.
Plaster has been finished, ready for cornice.
Bifold door from outside, dining/meals door open.
The bifold is in and it looks so good! The cornice has been done, the rendering has been started and we no longer have to go up a ladder to the upper floor. Unfortunately, my camera battery ran out as I went to take inside photos.
The above photos were taken a few days earlier.

So, the next post will have cornice, stairs and anything else that happens between now and the next time I get around to adding to the blog.
It's getting so exciting to see how the inside is starting to take shape.
I will call in after school pickup today and hopefully get some more shots.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Plaster and Brick Cleaning

Left: Looking towards front entrance.

Below: Back of garage/lounge bricks cleaned.


Powder room

Living room downstairs

Stair void

Master bedroom

Looking towards the kitchen.

Meals area

Back of house bricks cleaned to the right,
not yet cleaned to the left.

Top bricks cleaned,
bottom not yet cleaned.

As you can see from these pictures, the plaster has been hung and most of the brick work has been cleaned. Next week plastering will be finished and the cabinets will begin to be fitted.
Sorry the pictures don't match up to the labels. When I look at the preview they look fine then when I actually post they don't match up.
I'm having trouble arranging them, I'm obviously doing something wrong I just can't work it out! How does everyone else upload their photos with comments?
