Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One week to PCI and Counting

Front balcony, balustrading done

View of kitchen splashback through a window
and with the sunlight. Colour is green!!!

Kitchen splasback again, different angle

Store/Linen shelving, didn't expect this
to be shelved so we were wrapped when
we saw it

Walk in robe[hers] shelving

Left side of walk in robe

Pantry shelving - right side

Pantry shelving left side
Just a quick update with only one week to PCI. As you can see from the photos more finishing touches have been added. In recent times we have been locked out so it's hard to see what else has been done or still needs to be finished. The main things that I can see that still have to be done are, the water tank, lots of paint touch ups and the garage door. I've noticed that many of the issues we may raise at PCI have already been noted and rectified. There has been a site clean, inside and out, fly screens have been fitted to all opening windows and it really is starting to look almost complete. Fingers crossed for a fairly non- eventful Practical Completion Inspection!!!


  1. Guys, place is looking really good, love the facade style. Good luck for next week at your PCI. Looks like a lot of what needs to be done is done. For our first PCI, when we got past page two we postponed until the list was shorter. Good luck. R&C

  2. Thanks R and C,

    had our PCI today and it went really well. Over the 2 and 1/2 hours we only came up with about 8-9 issues and none of them were major. The supervisor had done a great job and found most of the imperfections we may have found, so our job was made much easier.
    This time next week we will have the keys! After that it's all up to us, the flooring people, the concretors and others to help complete our home.
    Hope yours is continuing to progress, I'm looking forward to your next update.

  3. Oh Relle, fabulous news!!
    Woo hoo!
    Doesn't really surprise me that PCI went so well, it looks fairly obvious from your photos that everything was done really well.
    What an exciting week for you. Hope you've got all of your post handover people lined up.
    Good luck and have fun,

  4. Hi K and T, yep we are excited. Most post handover things are organised. I'm currently trying to work out what window furnishings for what windows. Have been looking at a few different blind companies online. I really need to see the samples I've got against our colours so I will probably need to wait til Thursday as we have been locked out.
    Are you waiting until your house is finished before posting again?
    I am really looking forward to seeing how your place is coming along. Hope I don't have to wait too much longer.

  5. Hi Relle,
    Firstly, I'm presuming you've had handover and I'm hoping that it all went well.
    Secondly, no, I haven't forgotten my blog, I've just been slack ( oops, I mean busy! ) That and it has been a very slow month...still lots of outstanding issues from fix stage. BUT....I do have tiles now and the sparkies have started their fitoff. I'll update soon, promise!
    Hope you are loving the house and that everything you need to do is running smoothly.

  6. Hi K, handover should have been today but due to a few things still needing to be done, handover has been postponed to Monday 10th August.
    As we said to our SS "we would rather them finish things well than try to rush for handover".
    This did create a few problems, as we had organised for bamboo flooring to be delivered today, with installation to take place Friday and Saturday. We let them know of the delay but as yet have not had new times confirmed. If all goes well we will have handover Monday, bamboo floors done Tuesday and Wednesday and carpet is organised for Thursday, Friday. It's going to be a very busy week. We're also hoping for concreting to be done the week following the floors. It may or may not run smoothly, we'll soon find out. We're thinking we'll be ready to move in by end of August.
    I'm still looking forward to your next post, I hope there hasn't been too many dramas!

