Sunday, April 26, 2009


The brickwork is finished! I'm no expert but it looks very good. Now that they are done I'm looking forward to seeing them washed.

Inside work has started, the insulation has been put in so I guess plaster is next.
Have been to the block the last couple of days but unfortunately nothing more has been done. Did notice a few wet areas, as well as wet timber and cornice as well as a few massive puddles around the building perimeter. The rain has been great but has it caused any damage or held up the building progress?


  1. Brickwork does look good from your pics. Frustrating when nothing happens, isn't it? I think the weather has put a lot of tradies off site, it can't be easy outside in wind and rain.

    Once you are at lock up the weather no longer has an impact, so hopefully they get a wriggle on and get it to lock up for you.


  2. Hi Relle,
    The brickwork certainly looks good. Your choice of bricks works really well with the shape and facade of the house. It will look sensational after a clean.

    The arch feature at the entrance on the portico really sets the house off. It's nice and wide, unlike many of the PD front porticos, including ours :(

    Is any part of it being rendered? I'm trying to picture it without all the scaffolding.

    Btw, thanks for your great comments on our blog. Just hope we don't see a convoy of bulldozers arriving on our site.


  3. I looooove your Malt bricks!
    Very classy!
    And I love your facade too. I don't think I've seen that one before....not sure why not because it's really gorgeous.
    Now that you're all bricked up I wouldn't expect them to be held up by the weather.
    Hope the plasterers turn up soon! :-)

  4. Relle, just looked at your blog and the house is really coming along, what facade are building again?, the chicago?. You know every time I look at the brookvale photos, 50sq, 45sq, 41sq, I can never see any real difference, your place looks huge. Keep up teh photos. R&C

  5. Thanks for your positive comments everybody!

    BB it really is a rollercoaster ride, one minute your on a high because so much is happening, the next minute your on a low because it comes to a stop. Our ride has just taken off again so I'll get some photos and post in the coming days.

    Liana and Rob, we're pretty happy with the way it's taking shape and are also looking forward to no scaffold and clean bricks. The potico and bit to the side will be rendered with colourbond 'dune'. I have started to have doubts about how the render colour will go with bricks and the big worry is that the garage door is the same colour as the render!

    How is yours progressing, anything positive yet?

    Kand T, our front facade is 'contempory' same as m and j's brookvale50 by the look of it. You're right about the weather not holding things up, no excuses now. Seems like you're not too far off that yourself. I'm looking forward to your next update.

    R and C, I had relatives come through for a look on the weekend and their most uttered comment was, "IT'S HUGE"! What would they say about yours and m and j's. They do look similar in the photos but a few extra rooms here and there do make a difference once you're inside. I guess we'll really know about it when we're cleaning it!


