Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cabinets and a Problem

C [husband] dropped around to the house on Wednesday to see what progress had been made. What he saw through a skinny, dirty en suite window was two basins which looked nothing like we'd chosen at our colour app.
That night we checked the contract and colour selection document to see what was written and found the following description; ' Vanity Basins - White [Chipperfield], Ideal Standard Vessel [Square] Counter Top Basin [Square] White.'
What was in the en suite was, two white square counter top basins, but it was not what we had chosen. We chose a basin that had a lower profile than the one we had been given. We know what we like and what we don't and we were both adamant that we did not like the higher profile square basin.
Before singing the contract including colour selection document, we were sure we had checked it and everything seemed correct.
The description of the basin did sound like the one we'd picked. With no sample or code or photo to check it, what else did we have?
Obviously, this was a big mistake on our behalf because now we have basins that we don't like or want.
If only the description mentioned the profile of the basin!
On the Thursday, I dropped around to the house to see the basins and was able to get in, thanks to Mr Skirting and Architraves. It only confirmed our dilema, they were definately not what we chose! I called our CSC and explained we had a problem. She checked the colour doc and said we can only go by what's written. The problem was, that it's what isn't written ['high profile'] that was the problem.
We had to concede that we obviously didn't check it enough before signing but still feel that the description is not detailed enough. As a result our SS said he would change it if ok but it would be at our expense [of course]. I have since been on the Reece sight and picked a basin we want, our SS will check with the building manager to see if it can be done and SS will raise a variation. He will also let us know of the cost.
We're not happy about it but what can we do? We will have to wait and see what SS comes back with.
Anyway, luckily I took my camera and got some shots. I'm actually going to put them into the next post because I can never do a post where the text comes first.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the dramas with your basins Relle. Personally, I don't think it is good enough, you trust that the hopetoun person writes it correctly and if s/he used the wrong code/description you'd never know until it was installed anyway. With the electricals, it shows a picture of each of the items. I think they should do it for the hopetoun stuff too. The girl we had was not interested in what we wanted anyway and let us know she was not impressed with some of our choices.

    Hope that it all works out for you and that it does not cost too much. I would certainly hit them for 1/2 the cost of whatever they want to charge you because it is not your stuff up. You can only go by the description that the girl at hopetoun had written and it seemed correct to you. As you say, you had no code or photo to go by, so it is their system that is at fault. You might get a reduced amount, you can only try.

    Fingers crossed that this is rectified for you and doesn't cost too much.


