Monday, June 22, 2009

Kitchen bench, New SS and Tiling begins.

QQ Bench top - Colour is 'Royal Base'

Close up of bench, hard to judge from photo

Bamboo display at Home Innovation Centre

A view of all bench tops

Tiles delivered and ready to be layed

Hi everybody, not much has been happening so there's not a great deal to report.

The kitchen bench was installed some time last week. The colour [royal base] has come up well and is a good match to the cupboards.

Met our new SS on Monday, he seems to have caught up on the whole build and is continuing to oversee the slow but steady progress.

The tiler starts on Thursday and it shouldn't be too long after that PD can give us some definite timelines for PCI and handover.
We've recently started to look into flooring options and I have organised some concretors to come out and do quotes this week.


  1. Fabulous!
    Your bench looks fantastic with the cabinet and wall colours.
    How exciting to see some tile action about to start, and even more exciting to know that you will soon have a rough idea about how much longer it is going to be.
    Good luck chasing people for quotes...I hope you don't get the run around I had.
    Oh, and what room is that with the timber panelling and brickwork below?????

  2. Hi K and T, sorry for that premature post. I didn't realize I did it until I signed in to edit what I'd done so far.
    I have since updated the post so the captions should explain the pictures.
    The bamboo flooring display was at the Home Innovations Centre in Oakleigh. Haven't totally committed yet but it looks like we will go for this in all downstairs living areas and the kitchen/pantry and entrance. All bedrooms, the lounge, the study and the upstairs living area will have carpet.
    We still need to decide on colours and see the bamboo display again as it was in the middle of renovations. Stay tuned for more on this in upcoming blogs.

  3. Kitchen benchtops have a major impact on a kitchen’s overall look. A benchtop can be your kitchen’s showpiece. The type of material you will choose for your benchtop along with the color and style is what can give your kitchen a really classy look.

